X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County: Become an X-ray Technician Taking Evening X-ray Classes at Modern Technology School

Have you always wanted a career in Diagnostic Healthcare? Interested in becoming an X-ray Tech in California, but are concerned with the time required for X-ray Technician classes? Perhaps you’re one of the many people looking for a career change. Or, maybe you simply have too much going on during the day, or other obligations like a job or family. This is where an X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County can help you reach your dreams.

Whatever your reasons may be, our goal has always been to help more students fulfill their career goals. We’ve offered an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program since 1981. Our small Orange County Healthcare School is accredited by the ACCSC and features a curriculum that cross-trains XT’s as medical assistants. Moreover, our evening classes give you all the tools you need in order to begin your career as an X-ray Technician in California.

Let’s take a look at how enrolling in X-ray Tech night school in Orange County works. Furthermore, we’ll dig into the facts & basics to keep you informed and to help you know what to look for in a solid X-ray Technician program.

X-Ray Tech Night School in Orange County: Do I Get the Same Training & Benefits as the Daytime Students?

If you’re considering enrolling in an X-ray Tech night school in Orange County, you may be wondering if you get the same training and benefits as the daytime students. In short, the answer is a resounding YES! The only caveat is, that you’ll be spending a little more time in your X-ray Technician program. This all makes sense, because X-ray Technician night classes are often shorter when it comes the actual length of time per class.

However, aside from the shorter class lengths, the good news is that you get the same training and same benefits. Moreover, you receive the same clinical internship as well as medical assistant training. Both are vital to X-ray Techs in California. California Diagnostic Healthcare employers want a hybrid of X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant. Furthermore, you’ll need to complete the clinical internship in order to become an XT.

Finally, if you’re considering an X-ray Tech night school in Orange County, a good thing to keep in mind is that clinical internship takes place during the day. So, when you reach the internship phase, which is usually the last portion of your X-ray Tech program, you’ll want to prep for that daytime-switch. Clinics, urgent cares, and private practices are usually open during the day, and as such, this is when you’ll complete your clinical internship.

Can I Still Get Financial Aid for X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County?

This is a great question and we hear it often here at Modern Technology School. Students who want to enroll in X-ray Tech night school in Orange County can still qualify for financial aid. That is, it depends on whether or not you would qualify for financial aid anyway. The fact we’re talking about evening classes will not make a difference, and the application process is the same.

This also is a great time to remind you that you’ll want to find an all-inclusive program when searching for the best X-ray Tech night school in Orange County. We’ve covered this a few times prior, but remember that an all-inclusive X-ray program will offer you all the benefits under one class and one tuition.

Hopefully, this means that costs will be lowered. And, that you won’t have to go searching for your own internship. Furthermore, it’ll mean that you won’t be nickel-and-dimed for large and small expenses, such as scrubs, textbooks, and parking. For more info about applying for financial aid for X-ray Tech school, give us a call and ask for Admissions. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is always standing by to help you along the way and ensure you understand the basics of the career, classes and costs involved.

What is Included in Modern Technology School’s X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County?

Modern Technology School offers an all-inclusive X-ray Technician/Medical Assistant program. We offer a a 12-month daytime X-ray Technician course as well as an X-ray Tech night school in Orange County. Here’s what you get with both X-ray Tech programs:

  • All your pre-requisites are built into the program – get started with no prior experience!
  • Hands-on X-ray Tech training in small class sizes, giving you the opportunity to learn quickly & ask questions
  • Live X-ray Tech and Medical Assisting labs with fast-access to your instructors
  • Medical assistant cross-training for a great foundation in professional patient care
  • Clinical internship is provided by the school at no additional cost
  • Get books, scrubs and parking as part of your tuition!
  • We pay for your first X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant Examinations!
  • The National Medical Assistant Certification Exam is proctored on-site, you can take it at the school!
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify – does matter if you come during the day or evening
  • Onsite Job Placement Assistance offers grads help with resumes, custom cover letters and meet & greets!
  • Daytime classes and X-ray Tech night school is available – get the same training tailored to your needs!

X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County: How Do I Get Started & Get My Questions Answered?

The first step to enrolling in an X-ray Tech night school in Orange County is to take an inventory of your needs. These needs can range from financial aid, to the hours you have available. Next, make a list of X-ray Tech colleges and Diagnostic Healthcare schools that offer programs in your area.

You’ll want to do some research and at the very least, meet with Admissions. See what kind of vibe you get. Ask questions and take notes. Remember, don’t feel pressured to enroll on the spot if you don’t feel like it’s a great match. Finally, take a look at their social media, read some reviews, and get an overall feel for the X-ray Technician program.

Modern Technology School has been here since 1981. We offer an all-inclusive X-ray Tech night school in Orange County. Our friendly Admissions Advisor thrives on answering students’ questions. We want you to feel comfortable in your decision and to be confident about your future.


Get the Facts On X-ray Tech Night School in Orange County!

Our Next Evening X-ray Program Begins on May 6th 2019

Call 714-418-9100 and Come Meet with Us!

 Due to Small Sizes, Classes Fill Up Quickly

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