X-ray Tech Education: 1 Year All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Program in Orange County

Wondering what separates one X-ray Technician school from another? Are you looking for the best value in X-ray Tech education? Do you know how different X-ray Tech classes differ from each other and what to look for when searching for the best radiography classes?

Because every X-ray Tech school will offer their own version of an all-inclusive program, it’s important to get the details. Moreover, if you are investing in your X-ray Tech education, you should also invest the time to dig into the details. For many students, this means taking inventory of your own needs and the timeframe in which you wish to complete your X-ray Technician program by.

Let’s dive into all the components that make up a successful X-ray Tech class here in California. Furthermore, we’ll get an understanding of why certain Healthcare schools offering X-ray Tech education stick to a specific protocol.

X-ray Tech Education in California is Unique

We often get asked why Medical Assistant training is included in our Orange County X-ray Technician Program. Because we’re a California school, we provide the training that Healthcare employers are looking for from X-ray Tech candidates. Moreover, because we’ve been here since 1981, we know what works out in the field, and what doesn’t.

Diagnostic Healthcare Employers in California want a hybrid, or mix, of X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant. This means you’ll be doing both jobs while working in the following places:

  • Imaging & Diagnostics Facilities
  • Urgent Care Centers and Fast-Access Health Clinics
  • Orthopedic Clinics and Offices
  • Private Doctor’s Offices / Private Practice
  • Corporate Healthcare Facilities
  • Sports Medicine Offices & Physical Therapy Facilities

Because you’ll be acting in part as a Medical Assistant, you should always have something to do. No one wants to clock-in and only be working while taking X-ray images, as not every patient needs an X-ray. Furthermore, having the Medical Assistant cross-training offers you a great foundation in professional patient care. It also helps build your resume and should make you more attractive to prospective Healthcare employers.

What Does an X-ray Tech Education at Modern Technology School Include?

When creating our Orange County X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program, we wanted to make it all-inclusive. While all-inclusivity may mean different things to different X-ray Tech schools, to us, it means the following:

  • Get everything you need in order to begin your career as an X-ray Tech in CA in just 12 months
  • Medical Assistant cross-training is included with X-ray Tech education — Healthcare employers want a hybrid of XT/MA
  • Pre-requisite classes are included in the X-ray Technician program; you don’t need prior experience to enroll
  • Because it’s tough to find a qualified internship on your own, we include your Clinical Internship
  • Textbooks and Scrubs come at no additional cost — they are included with your tuition
  • Modern Technology School covers the cost of your first exams, for both Medical Assisting & X-ray Tech
  • We proctor the National Certification Exam for Medical Assisting on-campus
  • Complete our X-ray Tech/Medical Assistant program in just 12 months
  • You can get Financial Aid for X-ray Technician school if you qualify
  • Need an approved training site for benefits by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs? Let us know!
  • We teach students in small class sizes; this way you’ve got more of an opportunity to learn & ask questions
  • Our X-ray Tech & Medical Assisting labs follow the same suit — our faculty teaches hands-on
  • Job Placement Assistance is provided through the school; our coordinator works with students directly

I’m Interested in X-ray Tech Education in Southern California – How Often Do Classes Start & What Do I Need to Begin Training?

X-ray Technician classes begin roughly once every other month here in Orange County. Our classes adhere to hands-on training, so it’s a must that you’re here for the entire 12 month X-ray Technician class. However, because classes are taught in small sizes, they do tend to fill-up very quickly. We’re a smaller Healthcare school, and as such, don’t have some of the overhead that larger schools keep. This translates well for our students because we’re able to offer a bigger value for your tuition dollars.

Moreover, because we pride ourselves on keeping it all-inclusive, you don’t need any prior experience to enroll. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to answer your X-ray Tech education questions 5-days a week. We believe in ensuring that you’re confident about your decision to become an X-ray Tech in California. Our ACCSC accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School has been operating in Orange County, CA since 1981.

We Offer X-ray Technician Night Classes and Evening X-ray Tech Education in Orange County

If you’re one of the many people who live a busy life but dream about a career in Healthcare, we’ve got great news. Modern Technology School also offers X-ray Technician night classes and an evening program for X-ray Tech education. While you will definitely have to plan for clinical internship and of course the additional hours tacked onto your workload, it can be worth it.

For those who have family obligations during the day, night class can be a fulfilling and rewarding venture into Healthcare. The program takes Because classes are spread out a little more during evenings, the program takes a little longer than a year to complete. However, for some, completing your X-ray Tech education at night school can be a huge benefit.

Our evening classes include all the same value as our daytime class. For more information about our evening X-ray Technician class, give us a call and ask for Admissions. As always, there’s zero pushiness or pressure and we look forward to assisting you with your Healthcare career path!

Interested in X-ray Tech Education in Southern California?

Next Daytime X-ray Tech Class Begins Sept 16th!

Our Next Evening XT/MA Class Starts August 26th in OC!

We’re Happy to Answer Questions by Phone!

We’re Available Monday thru Friday at 714-418-9100

Reach out to us & follow on Yelp, YouTubeInstagram & Facebook!