Enrolling in an X-ray Technician Night School in 2019

Do you want a career as an X-ray Tech in California but have a busy daytime schedule? Did you know that you can enroll in X-ray Technician Night School in Orange County in 2019? While we encourage most students to take our standard daytime X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program, we understand that for some folks, it’s impossible. If you live a busy life or have a have other obligations during the day such as work or family, taking an X-ray Tech night class can offer you the benefits of becoming an X-ray Technician in California in as little as 18 months.

But how do you know which X-ray Tech program is right for your needs? Furthermore, how do you decide between all the options? Moreover, what if you have zero Healthcare experience; how will this affect you? Are you a current medical assistant who wants to transition into becoming an X-ray Tech in California? Let’s explore the ins and outs of X-ray Technician night school in Orange County. Together, we’ll walk through the benefits of enrolling in an all-inclusive x-ray tech school, as well as finding the right X-ray Tech school for you.

First Things First: Why Should You Enroll in an X-ray Technician Night School

For most, the desire to enroll in an X-ray Technician night school comes down to their schedule. We all live extremely busy lives and it’s often impossible to fit everything we want to accomplish into one day. That said, if you’ve always wanted to become an X-ray Tech in California, but have way too many daytime obligations, enrolling in X-ray Technician night school may be just the ticket. However, there are definitely some things to look for when choosing the best X-ray Technician school for your needs.

The first thing you’ll want to search for is an accredited Healthcare School in your area. Remember that not all X-ray Tech schools are created equally. Each program and X-ray Tech training course will offer a different set of benefits to their students. Furthermore, you’ll want to find an X-ray Tech program that fits your budget and timeline. How much does it cost to enroll in an X-ray Technician night school? Moreover, how long will you have to spend in x-ray tech training before you can begin working in the field?

Lastly, and possibly the most important thing to consider if you’re here reading this article is finding a evening X-ray Tech program. Not every X-ray Tech school is going to offer night classes. Furthermore, even when comparing different evening classes, it’s important to get the facts so that you can compare apples to apples. Let’s take a look at some of the basics you should consider when you begin your search.

X-ray Technician Night School: Start by Creating a List of Basic Needs

The first thing you’ll want to do is begin by creating a list of your own needs. We wanted to make it easy for you as a student who may be new to Healthcare, so we’ve created a short list of what’s out there. The benefits listed below are taken directly from Modern Technology School’s own X-ray Technician Night School curriculum.

Things to Watch Out for When Choosing an X-ray Technician Night School

  • Look for an all-inclusive X-ray Technician program at an accredited Healthcare school (MTS is accredited by the ACCSC)
  • Find an X-ray Technician night school which offers medical assistant cross-training for their X-ray Tech students
  • If you’re someone who enjoys learning hands-on, and in small class sizes, look for a night class at a small X-ray Technician school
  • Consider enrolling in an X-ray Technician night school which offers textbooks, scrubs and free parking as part of your tuition
  • Remember that you’ll also have to pay in order to take your CA State X-ray Tech Exam; find a school that rolls this into your tuition
  • Clinical Internship is vital to an X-ray Technician’s success in the field; find an X-ray Technician school that offers built-in internship
  • Program costs will vary from school to school; keep in mind that you should shop around for the best value (bang for your buck)
  • Do you need Financial Aid for X-ray Technician night school? Find an X-ray Tech college that’s approved for Financial Aid
  • If you’re one of our many US Veterans considering a career as an X-ray Tech in CA, find a school that accepts the GI Bill 
  • Job placement is a big factor in your post-grad career search; look for a school that has built-in job placement assistance

Remember that Clinical Internship Takes Place During the Day

Whether you’re enrolled in a daytime X-ray Tech class or are considering X-ray Technician night school, remember that Clinical Internship takes place during the day. Unfortuntately, there’s just no way around completing your clinical internship at night or during the evenings. Remember that most X-ray Techs will find work in clinics, imaging centers, doctor’s offices, urgent cares, sports medicine clinics, imaging centers or orthopedic offices in California.

Because these places usually maintain regular-hours, it would be difficult to complete your internship at night. That said, if you’re considering X-ray Technician night school, remember that you must have a plan for starting your internship. Clinical internship usually takes places during the latter-portion of your X-ray Technician program. You’ll be spending time interning in a live clinic, working with a real staff, physicians, and actual patients.

Since there’s such a drastic difference in hours once internship begins for an X-ray Technician night school student’s schedule, you’ll want to have a plan in mind. This way, whether you’re working, taking care of family, or have other daytime obligations, you’ll be ready for your internship.

Modern Technology School Offers One of the Best X-ray Technician Night School Programs

Modern Technology School has been training X-ray Technicians in California since 1981. We’re a small Diagnostic Healthcare school and offer both daytime and evening classes for X-ray Tech. We combine Medical Assistant training in our XT curriculum, because CA employers look for a hybrid of XT/MA in our State. Furthermore, we offer a 12-month daytime X-ray Tech class, as well as evening X-ray Technician courses. Accredited by the ACCSC, Modern Technology School also offers financial aid to those who qualify.

If you’re a current medical assistant who wants to become an X-ray Technician in California, we can help! We’re one of the few X-ray Tech schools which continues to make learning radiology affordable in California. We train our students hands-on, in small class sizes and real-life labs. Our faculty loves working alongside our brilliant students. Keep in mind that classes do fill-up quickly due to our commitment to small sizes.

If you’d like more information about X-ray Technician night school, or have concerns about Clinical Internship and how it may affect your schedule, give us a call. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is standing by 5-days a week in order to field your questions and discuss our programs. Because our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program is all-inclusive, you do not need prior Healthcare experience to enroll.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you learn more about X-ray Technician night school! Our next evening class begins January 14th in Orange County!

Want to Become an X-ray Tech but Live a Busy Schedule?

Call Us and Ask About X-ray Technician Night School

Our Next Evening X-ray Tech Program Starts Jan 14th!

Clinical Internship & Medical Assistant Cross-Training are Included!

Give us a Call at 714-418-9100

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